
Test cases coverage for firebase google sign up function.

Topic starter

How can we cover the test case for the firebase sign up  function so that in test cases the state is not blank?

import { getAuth, signInWithPopup, GoogleAuthProvider } from "firebase/auth";
signInWithGooglePopup = () => signInWithPopup(auth, googleProvider);

  logGoogleUser = async () => {
    const { user } =  await this.signInWithGooglePopup();
    this.setState({ googleUser: user.providerData[0] });
This topic was modified 8 months ago by sakibmemon
1 Answer
Topic starter

You can try the code below to cover the Firebase functions and ensure the state is not blank.

1. Mock the firebase in test file

jest.mock("firebase/auth", () => {
  return {
    getAuth: jest.fn(),
    GoogleAuthProvider: jest.fn(() => ({
      setCustomParameters: jest.fn(),
    signInWithPopup: jest.fn(),
    signInWithGooglePopup: jest.fn(),
    logGoogleUser: jest.fn(),

jest.mock("firebase/app", () => ({ initializeApp: jest.fn() }));

2. And add mock implementation code in test case handler.

when("the user clicks on the Google login button", async () => {
      instance = LogInWrapper.instance() as CustomGoogleLogInButton;
      const loginBtn = LogInWrapper.findWhere(
        (node: any) => node.prop("data-testid") === `loginWithGoogle`
      const mockUser = {
        providerData: [
            displayName: "John Doe",

      (signInWithPopup as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
        Promise.resolve({ user: mockUser })
      await new Promise(setImmediate);