30/05/2024 4:52 am
Topic starter
How can we cover the test case for the firebase sign up function so that in test cases the state is not blank?
import { getAuth, signInWithPopup, GoogleAuthProvider } from "firebase/auth"; signInWithGooglePopup = () => signInWithPopup(auth, googleProvider); logGoogleUser = async () => { const { user } = await this.signInWithGooglePopup(); this.setState({ googleUser: user.providerData[0] }); };
This topic was modified 8 months ago by sakibmemon
1 Answer
30/05/2024 4:57 am
Topic starter
You can try the code below to cover the Firebase functions and ensure the state is not blank.
1. Mock the firebase in test file
jest.mock("firebase/auth", () => { return { getAuth: jest.fn(), GoogleAuthProvider: jest.fn(() => ({ setCustomParameters: jest.fn(), })), signInWithPopup: jest.fn(), signInWithGooglePopup: jest.fn(), logGoogleUser: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock("firebase/app", () => ({ initializeApp: jest.fn() }));
2. And add mock implementation code in test case handler.
when("the user clicks on the Google login button", async () => { instance = LogInWrapper.instance() as CustomGoogleLogInButton; const loginBtn = LogInWrapper.findWhere( (node: any) => node.prop("data-testid") === `loginWithGoogle` ).at(0); const mockUser = { providerData: [ { displayName: "John Doe", }, ], }; (signInWithPopup as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ user: mockUser }) ); loginBtn.simulate("click"); await new Promise(setImmediate); });